President , NIIT University

Prof. Rajesh Khanna is the President of NIIT University. He obtained his B.Tech, M.Tech&Ph.D in Chemical Engineering from IIT Kanpur, an institution which has been the acknowledged as the nursery for nurturing students, shaping faculty into knowledge providers of repute & a mother institution for shepherding later institutions. He did post-doctoral research at Institut de Chimie des Surfaces et Interfaces - CNRS Mulhouse, France and was an Honorary Visiting Research Fellow, University of New South Wales, Sydney.

In a career spanning 23 years, Prof. Khanna has held various faculty & administrative positions at IIT Delhi chief amongst them being Head of Department of Chemical Engineering, Dean of Students, Faculty Incharge for Sports, Faculty Advisor for Student Society and mentor to countless number of students. He also served as Vice-Chairman of Joint Entrance Examination. He has contributed to designing new courses to teach soft materials and technology to chemical engineering students. He has also advised many institutes in developing their chemical engineering curriculum.
Prof Khanna has made pioneering contributions in establishing a theoretical, experimental and computational framework to study the breakup of thin films. His research has been well received by the scientific community with more than 2000 citations. Prof Rajesh Khanna has been an accomplished Sportsman, Sports Administrator, Pigeon fancier and enjoys photography, nature, music and poetry.

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