Who Should Attend ?

The Education Innovation Summit will curate a diverse selection of national thought leaders, policymakers, industry experts, and visionaries to share their perspectives on how leading institutions have rapidly transitioned online, how companies have pivoted to maximise work-from-home models, the global leadership lessons learned and what EdTech trends will emerge in a post-COVID-19 world. Sessions and Panel discussions will focus on mapping and meeting future demand for technology in education, the growth of edtech in India (and beyond) & the challenges faced by education entrepreneurs. The event will offer a bespoke networking platform to help you make new connections, have 1-to-1 meetings and connect with colleagues from around the world.

Who should attend?
  • All Educators & Innovators
  • Formal & Informal Educational Stakeholders Including CEOs / Directors / Principals / Deans and Senior Management
  • Suppliers & Allied Industry
  • Corporate , Franchisors & Franchisees
  • Associations, Agencies & Media
  • Education Ministries and Councils (Regional & International)
  • Investors, NBFC, Micro-finance Companies into Micro-Finance with focus on Education Sector
Valued Partners
Interested to attend Education Innovation Summit & Awards 2023

Be a part of this unparalleled gathering of leaders. For more information, contact us! We will be in touch Shortly!

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