Dr. Kuldeep Kumar Raina
Vice Chancellor, MS Ramaiah University

Prof. Kuldeep Kumar Raina joined MS Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences (RUAS), Bangaluru as Vice Chancellor in April 2021.
Prior to joining RUAS, Professor Raina, well known for his scientific acumen and leadership has served in various administrative capacities as the Vice Chancellor, Director, Deputy Director, Dean of Faculty, Dean ofResource Planning and Generation, Dean Research and Sponsored Projects etc.

Professor Raina did PhD in Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal Materials and followed by post-doctorate research work from Wolfson Laboratory, University of Manchester (UK) supported by M/S Dow Corning. His contributions to the teaching and research have brought him recognition Nationally and Internationally through various awards and fellowships. He became Distinguished Professor in 2008. Professor Raina’s research achievements are known through his innovative practices and creative thinking approach.
Prof Raina is Fellow, Punjab Academy of Sciences (FPbASc) 2011 and Materials Medallist 2012 by MRS India. He is awarded by Punjab State Council for Science & Technology ( PSC S&T) for significant contributions in Materials Science- Teaching & Research and service. He is awarded Professor S Chandrasekhar Memorial Award 2017 and Lifetime Achievement Award 2018 by Indian Liquid Crystal Society (affiliated to International Liquid Crystal Society USA).
Professor Raina was invited to deliver Platinum Jubilee Lecture in 101st Indian Science Congress (2014) under Engineering Science Category. He delivered prestigious Prof J S Dave Memorial Lecture in MS University, Baroda. He is member of about a dozen scientific Societies and reviewer of many European and Physical Society journals.
Professor Raina has supervised post Doc research work, 36Ph.D theses and 45 PG theses. He established Materials Research Laboratory, which caters to the wide research interests like liquid crystal materials and devices, electro-ceramics, polymers, self-assembled thin film systems and nano-composites. His works led to the better understanding of the opto-electronic properties of polymer-liquid crystal dispersed composite systems for smart switchable windows and faster responses ferroelectric materials. His works are well cited and has been awarded by many societies in India and abroad through Best paper awards.He has published over 265 research papers in peer review international journals and delivered about 60 Invited lectures in International conferences. He has 3 patents to his credit. Professor has attracted considerable research funding from different agencies like DST-SERB, DRDO, UGC, CSIR, AICTE etc under various R&D cum FIST schemes
Indian National Science Academy (INSA) nominated him to several foreign academies like Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest (1997−98), Royal Society, London (2004−05), National Science Foundation (NSF) South Korea 2007-08 and the Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic (2010−2011) under bilateral exchange programme of scientists programme. He presented research findings (as Invited speaker) in many international forums conferences in USA, Japan, Italy, Singapore, S Korea, Canada, UK, Germany and others. He has active collaboration with Ludwig Maximillian University at Munich (Germany), Technical University, Darmstadt (Germany) through German Science Foundation grants, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, University of Manchester (UK), University ofBordeaux, France, Raman Research Institute, Bangalore, Solid State Physics Laboratory, New Delhi, National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi and others.
Professor Raina served as Vice-President of Electron Microscope Society of India and a member of several international and national scientific societies. He is Executive Council Member of Association of Indian Universities (AIU).

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