K.S BhatiaCo- Founder & CEO, Pumpkart.com

Mr. K.S BHATIA, a Visionary and a seasoned entrepreneur with 20 years of experience in water pumps industry.

In 2014 he disrupted the pumps industry through his B2C marketplace, Pumpkart.com. Pumpkart came into Limelight when Google CEO Sundar Pichai cited Pumpkart's success story to the Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi in US.

Pumpkart went on to sign Kapil Dev as its Brand Ambassador. Pumpkart also holds the distinction of being the first startup to represent India in United Nations.

Mr. Bhatia is currently on a mission to create Pumpkart into one of the largest B2B marketplace by connecting Industries, Corporate and small businesses directly to the Brands for their needs in Appliances and Electrical Categories.


  • Pumpkart got best startup company from North by Google India in 2014.
  • Mr. KS Bhatia also got Flame Leadership award from RMAI (Rural Marketing Association of India) in 2015.
  • Pumpkart is the face of the Digital Unlocked page of the Google launched by Sundar Pichai, in Taj Palace Hotel in January 2017.
  • CICU – Chamber of Industrial Commerce and Undertaking has awarded Pumpkart as –Most promising Brand of Punjab, 2017.
  • Pumpkart has been listed in the Super 30 Companies of the year 2018.