• Entrepreneur
  • !COVID 19 Impact Series

Insolvency & Bankruptcy Code: The Way Forward

Virtual Conference | Live Q&A

08th May 2020
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM IST

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About Virtual conference

The ongoing crisis due to the COVID-19 outbreak is beyond doubt going to affect the entire economy, but one of the segments that is likely to hit the most is the MSMEs—a sector which accounts for more than 50% of the country’s GDP. It has brought existential crisis for the country's SMEs and MSMEs. Even with the RBI urging banks to lend more, banks are reluctant and are parking more money with the central bank. One of the reasons could be that banks are wary that loans at this time to MSMEs may turn out to be non-performing given the depth of the crisis.

It is written on the wall that the defaults towards the lenders will certainly take place in the given circumstances and also that the dues at different levels in the supply chain may also remain unpaid, leading to the claims of operational creditors against their clients.

What this in turn means that a lot of MSMEs may be dragged into the IBC process or may voluntarily do so. There is a likelihood that when the IBC process starts after the brief six months pause as implemented by the authorities, there may be a huge number of businesses that may go into insolvency.

In such a situation, how can MSME’s best protect their business, reputation and solvency going forward. Entrepreneur India’s webinar on IBC—The Way Forward will have leading insolvency experts and other business leaders who will share how MSME’s should plan their future course of action as the Insolvency & Bankruptcy Code will appear in a new avatar post COVID-19.

2 Sessions
1:15 Hours
Live Q&A
400 Delegates


Session Time Description
11:00 AM - 11.30 AM Keynote and Live Q&A:
IBC—Then, Now and Future
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM Panel Discussion and Live Q&A: IBC—Through the Lenses of MSMEs
  • What new provisions of IBC will work in favour of or against MSEs?
  • Even with threshold being moved from Rs 1 lakh to Rs 1 crore it would impact SMEs who were progressive, leveraged and had been growing rapidly in the last few years—what would be the course of action for them?
  • Would there be a situation that given the availability of similar businesses available, bidders will quote low bid amounts widening the losses of creditors?
  • With new IBC provisions, would bank funding be any easier to come by for MSMEs?
  • How would this impact raising funds, both debt and equity for startups and SMEs?
  • Is business debt your personal debt?


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