Rohit Sood

Partner, Bertelsmann India Investments


Rohit is a Partner at Bertelsmann India Investments (BII). Rohit is a founding member of Bertelsmann India Investments and has been with the firm since its official launch in 2012. In his current position, Rohit leads BII’s investments in the technology sector with special focus on consumer, B2B commerce, financial services, mobility, agriculture, travel and enterprise. Rohit has led BII’s foray in financial services through investments in Lending Kart and Rupeek.
He is a board observer at Pepperfry, Shiprocket, LendingKart, Treebo Hotels, Licious, Lets Transport, Agro Star and Rupeek. Prior to Bertelsmann, Rohit worked as Senior Analyst at Deutsche Bank in Mumbai, India and asResearch Analyst at R. A. Net (India) Pvt Ltd which is a captive research arm of New York based hedge fund, Constellation Capital Management

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