Future of Industry Summit

What's inside the Future of Industry Summit for you

The future of industry will not just bring innovative technologies to life with speed, visibility and passion but also explore its impact on economy and people. The key sectors include enterprise, healthcare, fintech, and blockchain and sunrise markets like air quality. Along with technology disruption, it is interesting to understand the problems while scaling up to be solved in these markets.

Internet 2.0

Blockchain is Internet 2.0 that allows you to share and store anything of value. It is an opportunity to become the next Microsoft, Google with its share of challenges.

  • Leveraging Blockchain to become next Microsoft
  • Solving for size, speed, cost and scalability
  • Measuring Internet of Things to record the tremendous data exchange
  • Looking beyond cryptocurrencies

Fourth Industrial revolution

There is a long way to go for robotics, AI, IoT and big data to become mainstream and be blindly trusted. Certainly the fourth industrial revolution is upon us.

  • Organisational alignment & infusing culturally
  • Balancing out human insight
  • Taking the bias out and being responsible
  • Specialized vs Generalized AI

More real than reality?

Augmented reality and virtual reality has been part of our live through science fiction tales. But businesses are loving it with its share of problems.

  • Solving for identity and privacy problems
  • Overcoming device and price limitations
  • Where is the content?
  • Risk of physical safety

New dimension to 'making'

3D printing is predicted to revolutionize the world of production but would that get built at the cost of existing manufacturing set up.

  • 3D printing: innovation or disruption?
  • Managing costs and limited material availability
  • Improving in-house expertise

Flying low

We are still bit far from the day when goods are delivered via drones. While everybody fancies it, but there are some serious bottlenecks for it to take off.

  • Flying along regulatory framework
  • Threatening privacy protection
  • Commercial vs. civilian applications – sizing opportunity
  • Bridging the talent gap